We Provide

Executive Coaching & Change Management

We walk with rising and established leaders.  We seek to serve you at your point of need.  As you self-identify where you need encouragement, truth-telling and leadership-development resources, we work to provide understanding, counsel and support.

Of particular importance to us is helping you lead change.  Change is hard.  It is often resisted and occasionally sabotaged.  We help you anticipate resistance, engage colleagues and foster buy-in to better pursue the possibilities and potential change brings.

group of business menDevelopment Coaching—Presidents & CEOs

A president is focused on many things.  A development team is focused on one thing—the campaign.  In order for a capital campaign to succeed the president’s focus must be recalibrated.  We have been there—our experience in both presidential and campaign leadership roles gives us special insight into how presidents must be encouraged and enabled to meet the demands of the campaign and the demands of their job.  We walk with presidents and CEOs in these times to offer advice, accountability and encouragement.